Monday, August 13, 2012
#Boy II
Commands (or tricks) boy knows:
1. Sit
Easiest command I think any dog should know. Instead of pronouncing the word "SIT", it is easier to get him sit by standing in front of him, put index finger up. He'll automatically sit.
Chance of failure: 5% (i.e. when you have asked him sit a dozen times that day.)
2. Paw
Second easiest command. Need no any treats, just give him my hand, he'll give me his paw. Automatically. But only ask for paw when he had sit down. Not that it is impossible when he is standing, just that the moment he can give his paw up is pretty short, then he'll put it down. But if he is sitting, can shake his paw however long I want, he'll keep giving his paw.
Chance of failure: unlikely.
3. Down
A posture where his whole body will lie flat on the ground(din intend for this posture actually, initially wanted him all his legs down). This command a bit epic fail i would say. He'll do it, just that after he lie down, he expect me to pet him for some time. In the beginning stage, I'll pet him so that he'll know he did right, and petting is the reward. But now, the command is trained, whenever he wants to be pet, he'll lie down flat though I din say anything, and expect me to pet him, and when I chose not to, he'll look at me with a blur face asking, "why you din pet me?"
Chance of failure: Quite high. Currently he do this very often because he wants to be pet. Still trying to train him to get down only when I say so.
4. Fetch
This can only be done with throwing him a rawhide bone. He'll get it back and drop it somewhere around me. If throw him other treats that took short time to eat finish, he'll get it and eat it.
Chance of failure: Quite high also, as he'll get too excited running about and doesn't really care if he gets it back to me. And I like to watch one thing when wants him to fetch, that is he's not that dumb to bang into things when can't get the rawhide bone. For example, I throw it down the car, never had he banged into the car. He'll figure out ways to get it, finding where's the shortest distance, bent his head down, go in and get it, reverse, then out he go. Didn't bang his head at all. At worse, got his fur or ear some black oil. =D
5. NO
The most powerful command. Very effective in asking him not to do a lot of things.
i) NO to eating the food or treats in front of him.
Even if he's been hungry whole day and his last meal was 24 hours ago, put a bowl of food in front of him and said no, he still won't touch it until I allow to.
ii) NO to continue eating when he's already eaten halfway
When he's halfway eating, say no and he'll stop eating right away. (just say, need not to be a stern voice, even a small voice saying no will do). Sometimes he so get used to stopped eating by me, that he automatically stop when he's eating halfway, then look at me with a face asking, "so can i continue eating?". Can do this multiple times, he'll stop.
When he's chewing his treats halfway, he'll blurt it out straight away when i say NO. And only continue if I grab it and give him back.
Chance of failure: near to 0%.
Can say NO to him for a lot of things, NO to run after cats, NO to eat anything on the roads, and etc.
That's all for now. Cheers.
Thursday, August 9, 2012
Random Hobbies & Habit
I am feeling random today and this topic pop-ed up in my mind and decided to write a post here. :) and Im trying my best not to mention nail polish here :P
1. Wondering around and wandering around.
2. Love to belanja siblings good food.
3. Distrub Adrian and make him annoyed. :P
4. Cook !!
5. Miss SAGC and home.
6. Miss Mocha.
7. Thinking of some recipe.
8. Make all kinds of faces in front of the mirror xD
9. Lying on the bed and online.
10. Thinking of people around me.
11. Thinking of my academic.
12. Thinking of my future.
13. Youtube hehe.
14. Wondering here and there about the random stuff like : what if there is wind but the air got no particles like vacuum?
15. Always hoping to ask God alot of question when I meet Him in Heaven.
16. While waiting for utar bus to arrive, check tweeter.
17. Tweet all kinds of stuff during night time.
18. Waiting for Adrian to reach home.
19. Thinking of how to save more money.
Errrr okay lahhh I shall stop here abd continue with my studies! Thanks for reading! :) Christina chin. Posted via HTC Desire HD